Hyundai Elantra HD: Rolling code programming - Mirrors - Features of your vehicle - Hyundai Elantra HD 2006–2010 Owners ManualHyundai Elantra HD: Rolling code programming

To train a garage door opener (or other rolling code equipped devices) with the rolling code feature, follow these instructions after completing the “Programming” portion of this text. (A second person may make the following training procedures quicker & easier.)

4. Locate the “learn” or “smart” button on the device’s motor head unit. Exact location and color of the button may vary by product brand. If there is difficulty locating the “learn” or “smart” button, reference the device’s owner’s manual or contact HomeLink at 1-800- 355-3515 or on the internet at

5. Press and release the “learn” or “smart” button on the device’s motor head unit. You have 30 seconds to complete step number 6.

6. Return to the vehicle and firmly press and release the programmed HomeLink button up to three times. The rolling code equipped device should now recognize the HomeLink signal and activate when the HomeLink button is pressed. The remaining two buttons may now be programmed if this has not previously been done. Refer to the “Programming” portion of this text.

Your vehicle may require the ignition switch to be turned to the ACC position for programming and/or operation of HomeLink. It is also recommended that a new battery be replaced in the hand-held t ...

Operating HomeLink
To operate, simply press the programmed HomeLink button. Activation will now occur for the trained product (garage door, security system, entry door lock, estate gate, or home or office lighting). ...